The ABCs of a Healthy Pelvic Floor...[SPOILER: it's NOT kegels]

pelvic floor Jan 17, 2024

The ABCs of a Healthy Pelvic Floor

Unlocking the secrets to a strong and happy pelvic floor is more straightforward than you might think. Let's dive into the essentials without any unnecessary jargon.

Key Points:

  1. Balance, Not Tension: The key to pelvic floor health is balance, not excessive tension. Forget the misconception that a constantly tense pelvic floor is the goal – it can lead to weakness and discomfort.

  2. Breathe In, Breathe Out: Breathing isn't just for your lungs; it's a crucial player in pelvic floor health. Coordinate your pelvic floor movements with your breath. Soften and open on inhalation, and contract on exhalation. It's a simple but effective strategy.

  3. Strength from Within: Support your pelvic floor with a solid foundation – strong hip and abdominal muscles. These muscle groups are like the pillars that keep everything in place. Strengthen them, and you'll contribute to a more robust pelvic floor.

  4. Efficiency is Key: Move efficiently to avoid unnecessary stress on your pelvic floor. Inefficient movements can lead to tension. Mindful and purposeful movements are your allies in maintaining a healthier pelvic floor.

  5. Your Roadmap to Success: Seeking guidance on pelvic floor health? Consider a tailored approach with a membership program designed for strengthening and coordinating pelvic floor muscles. It's not just a program; it's a roadmap to a stronger, happier you.

Conclusion: Maintaining a healthy pelvic floor doesn't have to be complicated. Focus on balance, coordinate with your breath, strengthen supporting muscles, move efficiently, and consider a membership program for personalized guidance. Your journey to a strong and happy pelvic floor starts with these simple ABCs.