The Lowdown on Abdominal Separation During and After Pregnancy

Apr 18, 2024

Diastasis recti, commonly known as the separation of the abdominal muscles during pregnancy, is a natural occurrence that affects all women to some extent. In this blog post, we will dive into the details of diastasis recti, its implications, and how you can take control of factors that influence its severity.

What is Diastasis Recti?
Diastasis recti refers to the separation that occurs at the midline of the abdomen during pregnancy. It is an inevitable part of the body's adaptation to make room for the growing baby. While every pregnant woman will experience some degree of diastasis, the extent of separation varies from person to person.

Factors Influencing Diastasis:
- Genetics play a role in determining the severity of diastasis recti that a woman may experience.
- Controllable factors such as core engagement and body mechanics can influence the degree of abdominal separation.
- The focus should be on maintaining good tension in the abdominal connective tissues rather than fixating on the width of the separation.

Impact of Diastasis on the Body:
- Proper tension in the midline is crucial to avoid strain on other body parts like the back, hips, and shoulders.
- Inefficient core engagement can lead to issues such as back pain, hip pain, and instability.
- Diastasis recti can impact pelvic floor health and contribute to conditions like prolapse and urinary incontinence.

Managing Diastasis During and After Pregnancy:
- Effective pressure management, breathing techniques, and awareness of body mechanics are key to minimizing the worsening of diastasis.
- Mobility exercises for the ribs, side abs, and hips can aid in maintaining a balanced and supportive core.
- Coordination of muscles, rather than just focusing on strength, is essential in closing the gap caused by diastasis.

The Holistic Approach to Healing:
- Diastasis recti postpartum can be protective of the pelvic floor if managed correctly.
- Emphasis should be placed on overall body awareness, releasing tension, and promoting strength throughout the body.
- Opting for a comprehensive approach that addresses mobility, muscle coordination, and breathing can lead to better outcomes than solely focusing on closing the abdominal gap.

Seeking Support and Resources:
- Membership with access to programs for all stages of motherhood are available here.
- Elite coaching services that offer personalized plans, posture analysis, and one-on-one calls can be beneficial in addressing specific concerns related to diastasis recti. Click to apply.

Understanding diastasis recti is essential for women navigating pregnancy, postpartum, or motherhood years down the line. By embracing a holistic approach to managing abdominal separation, focusing on body awareness, muscle coordination, and overall well-being, women can empower themselves to feel stronger, more resilient, and confident in their bodies. Remember, you have the power to take control of factors that influence diastasis recti and pave the way for a healthier and more balanced core.

Remember, your body is resilient, and with the right approach, you can work towards feeling your best self during and after pregnancy.